Please find below home learning resources:
Oak Class Home Learning
Week Beginning 18th January 2021
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
English |
English |
Music |
Maths |
Maths |
DT |
PE enrichment |
Art |
Life Skills |
RE |
Choose the work that is appropriate for the ability of your child.
LO: To be able to write for different purposes. (instructions for how to look after your pet reptile/ tortoise/snake etc)
Ask your child to read the LO – discuss what this means.
Show your child the power point about caring for your pet – make sure they listen carefully.
Look at some leaflets from the pet shop about caring for animals including reptiles.
Discuss the things we need to know if we own a pet. What they eat, what they drink, what their bed should be like, what vaccinations they need, vitamin supplements, how warm or cold they need to be, how often they should go to the vet, if they need to be cut, nails trimmed etc.
This week, we will be creating our own leaflets about how to care for our pets.
Activity 1- talk together about what needs to be in a leaflet- adults and pupils writing down some heading’s ideas, what do we want it to look like, what should be on the front, what words, what pictures. (adults to scribe ideas if need be)
Activity 2- handwriting and letter formation of the wards, food, drink, home, habitat, vet- write full name first to practice.
Activity 3- Matching pictures of food, drink, home to the words (see resources).
Think and discuss other types of animals – do they all need the same things?
LO: To use non-standard units to measure.
Today we are going to look at a part of maths called measure and the part of measure we are going to look at is Length- do you know what length means?
Activity: today we are going to measure some things inside and outside using nonstandard lengths -we could use anything to measure but we can only use one thing at a time .
You can choose from 4 things: a piece of lego, a pencil, a snake or a card hand print for example.
Measure large objects using their chosen non-standard units measure.
Practice writing numbers up to 10 or 20 (choose which you feel would be best for your child).
Independently record, draw on table to record their measurements
LO: To be able to recognise when you feel sad.
Discuss what being sad is. Do you think everyone feels sad sometimes? Discuss and write down times when you were sad about something.
Are some things sadder than other things? Can we write a list of things to make us feel better when we feel sad.
Finally discuss who do we feel in school and at home we can talk to when we feel sad.
LO: To be able to use lower case and upper-case letters in the right place.
Today we are going to begin writing our special leaflet about how to care for a pet reptile- but to do this well we need to know how to use capital letters (upper case) and lower-case letters correctly. Show your child the alphabet mat with both types of letters on it.
Listen to a song about capitals-
When we begin writing our special leaflet we need to use capitals at the beginning of our sentences and at the beginning of countries as we may write about them in our leaflet.
Activity 1 - Write title for the leafle, place a picture on the front too, start the first page about what to feed your reptile, then continue on the next pages over the next few days- focusing on capital letters in the right place and full stops at the end of sentences.
Activity 2- Practice writing capital and lower-case letters.
Can your child write their own sentence with all punctuation correct independently?
LO: To use non-standard units to measure.
Today we are going to continue to learn about non standard units of measurement.
Measure small objects using their chosen non-standard units measure.
Practice writing numbers up to 20 if there are any pupils that need this practice while they are waiting to measure something.
Independently record, draw on table to record their measurements
PE Enrichment
Watch and join in an exercise video on You Tube
Go Noodle
Go Noodler
See music lesson.
LO: To begin to use standard units.
Starter - clapping when counting- recap the different counting they have done- up in 1s 2s and 10s – forwards and backwards.
Recap what we have done so far this week when we used non- standard units.
Today we are going to use standard units- this means that it will be more accurate. We are going to use rulers and measuring tapes.
We are going to measure in cm and metres- there are 100cm in a metre.
Watch or show song on measuring using cm and mm
Have the resources to show them small ruler, big ruler and measuring tape.
Activity: today we are going to measure things of our choice around the house and outside- we need to think what are most suitable resources to use- small things small ruler- big things bigger item to measure.
Make sure they know where to start from – not beginning of ruler but beginning of measuring scale.
Using a pre drawn table measure items and write the number and the unit in- large things
Using a pre drawn table measure items and write the number and the unit in- small things
With support can they look at mm to measure more exact- show them how this looks when you write it down.
LO: To be able to respond to a topic (using cutting and fixing skills)
Talk about the countries and habitats that lizards live in and select the places on a world map on line.
If you have some paints at home paint a suitable background for where lizards live
(desert, rainforest, woodland) after that make your reptiles following the instructions.
Use the step by guide to make their reptile
Differentiated by amount of support given/needed.
Continue lesson from Tuesday.
LO: To begin to understand where different reptiles come from.
Look up on the internet where different reptiles come from – make a list of what the reptile is called and what country they live in.
Challenge: Use the keyboard to write your animals and countries.
Life skills
LO: To begin to learn how to use the telephone.
Show them different phones over the years and how they have changed on line.
Ask who uses a phone at home. Some homes have a home phone and some have mobile phones and some homes have both.
Today we are going to learn how to use a phone and talk properly on the phone.
Discuss that two people usually talk on the phone but you can’t both talk at the same time.
Activity: To have a successful conversation on the phone.
Adults to model how to do this.
LO: To be able to know about the lifecycle of a reptile.
Look up 1 or 2 different lifecycles of animals
All reptiles come from eggs so we are going to look at a reptile lifecycle
Watch a YouTube video about the lifecycle of the lizard or turtle.
Today we are going to look at remembering the lifecycle and cutting the right ones out and sticking them in the right place. Some of us are going to draw and write the stages in the right place.
Try and write a sentence about a reptile lifecycle- say it out loud first to an adult or a friend first.
LO: To make a 3D model of a reptile (ongoing project)
Discuss which is our favourite reptile. Make a choice from a range of photographs.
Children draw a picture/design a model and label the different parts of the reptile. Include information about the materials needed to make the model.
Children can explore different types of modelling materials eg clay, playdough, paper, Modroc, wire, paper straws etc to help them with their design.
Make a list of the tools that we will need to make our 3D model.
LO: To know about an inspirational people linked to religion
Today we are going to look at a person called Gandhi- he is very famous for being a good and peaceful person and very anti- violence- this means he didn’t hurt people or believe in war.
He was a Hindu which is one of the biggest religions in the world and we have looked at Hinduism before last term when we looked at the festival of Diwali the festival of light.
Look at information and video about Gandhi
Listen carefully and complete the quiz in the right order.
Pick a picture of Gandhi and put it in your book and write 2 sentences about Gandhi that you have remembered with support from an adult or independently if you can.
Challenge: Tell an adult 3 facts that you have learnt about Gandhi today.