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Home Learning Tasks
Week beginning 20th April 2020
Below are some suggestions for home learning activities. Where possible the resources have been provided. We fully understand that you may not have all the resources at home to carry out every task.
Use the links on the right hand side to download worksheets for each section.
Internet Safety
Please make sure your children are supervised when using the internet. The sources below have been checked internally at school. Please check them again before sharing with you children to ensure that your internet settings are blocking any undesirable content.
We are learning to order numbers Activities Make number flash cards by simply writing numerals to order. Be creative, blutac numbers to blocks or household objects/make number necklaces for teddies or use large A4 number cards for fun -jump along the numbers on the floor after sequencing them.
You can: Beginner- match numerals 1 and 2 (have a pair of each number and make them large) and learn to place them in order Easy- ordering numbers to 5 Medium- ordering numbers to 10, then 12 and 15 Hard-ordering numbers to 20 and beyond. Remember, it is harder to put the numbers in order when they are not all there so give out up to 10 random numbers at a time. Use a hundred square to check if number goes before or after the previous if it is too difficult.
We are learning to show the amount for the number Activities Roll a dice and write down the amount. Or, write down numbers 1, then 2…..then 6 and keep rolling the nice until you roll the number you were trying for. (Challenge: double dice amounts to 12) Print a tens frame or draw up your own. Say numbers out loud and have your child marks to 5 then 10 and beyond in activities such as making splotches with a paintbrush, putting pegs on a string or drawing dots on a lady bird
You can: Beginner- match enlarged dice formations to 3, child place 3 objects together with 3 objects you have placed whilst counting out loud (eg straws into cups, spoons into bowls). Make splotches with a paint brush together whilst counting out loud to show amounts to 3. Easy- matching the number to dice formations to 4, counters in a tens frame to 10 Medium- match numbers to dice formations to 6 (if possible without counting the spots), counting out amounts to 10 Hard- use double dice to show amounts to 12, place two tens frames together and teach that we don’t need to count the first one when it’s full because we know it is 10 |
We are learning about how plants grow.
The following video shows how to grow a strawberry plant from a strawberry.
Information on growing strawberries. BBC Growing Strawberries
Activity Look at the Power Point ‘What plants need to grow’, together talk about what plants need to grow (Twinkl). Choose one of the activities below.
You can:
Easy - Sequence just the pictures on the template Medium - Sequence the pictures with words on the template Harder - Sequence the pictures and add the correct words to the pictures on the template.
Alternative Activity Very Easy - Using the sheet growing strawberries with symbols cut off the last column of pictures and cut round each picture. Encourage your child to match pictures that are the same and stick on the sheet.
We are learning about how to plant seeds.
Look at the video again. Support your child in planting the strawberry seeds or any other seeds you may have at home. Alternatively, you could plant slices of tomatoes and grow some tomato plants. See video. Talk to them about why we need to plant in soil, water and put in a sunny place. If possible take photos of your child doing this activity.
We are learning about kitchen safety.
Any meals that you cook throughout the week please ask your children to help you. Allow them to explore the equipment safely in the kitchen- discussing with them how some things are sharp and some things can be hot. Watch a video on kitchen safety
Discuss this with your child or children.
If possible take photos of your child doing this activity.
Paper activity sheet – dangers in the kitchen Help your child to ring the dangers on the picture.
We are learning about mindfulness and feeling calm and happy.
When and if you can get outside take a walk hopefully in the garden or outside with your children with the purpose of being calm and happy- encourage your child to listen and not talk to really look at things carefully that they may never have looked at before: trees ( different types and sizes) , the different bark on trees, flowers big and small, insects if you can find any. When you come back inside talk about nature and how it can make you feel. If you can sit quietly together with not other disturbances and listen to some calm, nature music.
if you are doing any gardening or just tidying the garden encourage your child to help you.